Hi friends! Merry Christmas. I hope that you are having a wonderful day with your family and friends and that the love of Christ rests firmly in your hearts. Today is the last part of Jeff’s faith journey. I love the wisdom and insights that he shares at the end regarding what he has learned is truly important in life. I would like to thank Jeff once again for being courageous and so forthcoming with his life and how God has moved in it. Enjoy!
About a month after getting back from Costa Rica, a friend from church said they had an open spot on a mission trip to Panama to work with Manos de Fe. It left in a few days. Energized by what God had done in Costa Rica, I jumped at this opportunity and took the spot. Panama was incredible. The mission there was community outreach to the native Ngäbe Indians. Many of the Ngäbe lived in large families in the fields on the farms they worked. They lived in what I would describe as a large circus tent made from plastic tarps. The floor was dirt and there were no walls. They slept on platforms made from bamboo with little or no bedding. There was a fire to cook beans in the corner. One man would have several wives and every wife had several kids. The kids would often not go to school and ended up working in the fields once they were old enough.
We were there to love on the families. One day our task was to go out and deliver a monthly ration of beans and rice to people to help them sustain themselves. One family we delivered food to was so grateful when we arrived that they started to cry. We later found out they hadn’t had anything to eat in three days. Having these back-to-back experiences in Costa Rica and Panama really changed my perspective on what is truly important in life. Westerners can be very materialistic, seeking joy from our possessions. The families I met in Central America have little in the way of material items, yet have a tremendous joy that Jesus brings. That joy is indescribable.
When I got back from Panama, I started to date again, only this time it would be different. This time I was going to make God a priority in my relationship. God was what was missing before, so I was not going to make that mistake again. I started playing volleyball and running to get into pretty good shape. I went on a lot of first dates, and none felt right, until I met this beautiful lady, Silvia. We met at a running group, and we hit it off right away.
Silvia was a Christian and had just returned to a relationship with Jesus herself, so we had that in common. I saw God’s hand at work again. It just so happened that she was going to the exact same mission in Panama, Manos de Fe, that I had been to the previous year. It was a something that we instantly had to talk about, and we shared a common excitement for how God was moving there. We ended up dating for about a year and got married. It was my time with Silvia and seeing her faith that has driven me to grow stronger in my faith. Seeing her dedication to God has helped me to think about things differently, experience life differently, and really put God forward. It has been a great journey to walk with her. In our relationship we both put God first and each other after that. Even after all that I experienced and went through, I wouldn’t change it for the world if it meant I wouldn’t have the relationship I have now with God and with Silvia.
That’s where I am today. A couple of last things to mention.
I briefly touched on seeing God’s hand moving through my life. Silvia likes to say how I am confident that God will provide. I only have that confidence by seeing it firsthand on several different occasions. First off, I understand that money is fluid. Just because we have it today does not mean we will have it tomorrow, so to base our joy on money or material wealth instead of Jesus is a fool’s errand. I have had lots of money and I have lost lots of money. It does not buy happiness, that I know for sure.
I remember needing to pay an electric bill while I was rebuilding my life. They wouldn’t take credit card and there was no money in my bank account. A few days before the power company was going to cut the electricity, I received a random check in the mail from the sale of a company stock I had been given as a child. The amount of the check, almost to the penny, covered the amount of the electric bill. On other countless occasions, when I have wrestled about giving money to someone in need, without fail, I will be blessed with the amount I ended up giving and then some. It is amazing how God has provided in my life, and I rely on what I have seen whenever I have doubts that God provides.
Another note, that I mentioned before. When I was selling real estate, I thought I had it all. I had what most Americans would say was the perfect life on the outside, money and recognition. But it was far from perfect. There was this emptiness that I could never fill. I was trying to fill it with alcohol but that never worked. Regardless, at the time, I thought, “Man, there’s nothing better than this!”
When I look back, I see how shortsighted I was. The void was always there, it was just masked for short periods. I always wanted more, more, more. It was never satisfying. It was fun but it was never satisfying. I thought more success, more money, more people liking me, or more alcohol would fill that void, but it never did. I thought that was what life was. I can say that following Jesus is a million times better than when I had all those worldly possessions and successes. I wouldn’t trade anything for what I have now. Marrying a godly lady, who I’m equally yoked with, makes it incredible. We are both running to the same target holding hands. We get excited for each other’s wins. Just having that contentment and being able to rest in Jesus is so much more fulfilling. I now have a much more vibrant life than when I previously thought I had it made by the world’s standards.
Finally, I shared at the beginning that I was baptized as a teenager. At the time I didn’t really know what it truly meant to profess Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It wasn’t until I was at my lowest that I truly surrendered and gave my life to Jesus. I made Jesus my Lord. Just this past year, at a men’s retreat that I helped host, I was baptized again. This time I meant it when I said, “Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.”
Another big thanks to Jeff for sharing his story! I am constantly amazed at the person he is and love that he would delve into his story to help encourage others.
Finally, I wanted to share a few links for the non-profits that Jeff mentioned in his faith journey. Please consider learning more about them!
Manos de Fe (mission in Panama)
Faithful Servant Missions (mission in Costa Rica)
Element26 (Christian men’s retreats held in Florida and Tennessee)

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Merry Christmas Silvia and Jeff. I love reading this testimony of Jeff. I am excited to watch your dream come true.